With this series, I mix elements of found geometric and curvilinear patterns with the tangle and subtle drama of landscape. The combination allows for a structural weaving of space, energized by counterpoints of organic shapes, arabesque lines, and geometric abstraction.
Since 2014, I’ve traveled to research patterns onsite in Uzbekistan, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Spain, and virtually in Egypt and Russia. The designs have an energetic presence beyond decoration; many are centuries old and have known birth, death, prayer, and celebration. Combining landscape and patterning helps me tap into sources in the outer world, which resonate spiritually with my inner world.
The paintings begin loosely with landscape imagery. Paint and glazes are applied; inscribed lines, sanding, and scraping work the surface to further describe or dissolve detail. Onto this foundation, I experiment with layering one or multiple transcribed patterns. The designs and landscape intertwine, creating pathways and captured shapes that recede, float, or compress space.
The resulting mandala-like images act as radiant structures. Some subtly pulsate with kaleidoscopic energy, while others are still and contemplative, expressing a continuous rhythm to quiet the mind. Creating something new from the old, I weave worlds within worlds.